Monday, December 13, 2010

5 wEiRd ThInGs AbOuT cHoI sEo HeE ^^

Annyeong chingu, unnie, dongsaeng! aigoo.. it's already a long time since i update my blog rite ? hmm.. how are u guys ?

today i want to start write it back with 5 WEIRD THINGS about me..

"Choi Seo Hee never have handphone before""
"Choi Seo Hee never ride a bus or bike before"
"Choi Seo Hee is a Korean, but dislike Kimchi"
"Choi Seo Hee dislike watching TV"
"Choi Seo Hee dislike Yellow colour"

kekeke~ weird right ? what's ur opinion ?